with a Distinctive Finish
Distinctive Finish often form part of your project team from the early stages, working closely alongside your architect and where appropriate, your structural engineer. From expertise in building regulations and planning permission requirements to in-depth knowledge of traditional and modern construction materials, we ensure your new living spaces are as aesthetically pleasing as they are functional.
A property extension should be designed to blend seamlessly with the existing property and enhance its overall aesthetic appeal.
Our exteriors can be built from a choice of brick styles (and mortar joints) including reclaimed Cheshire brick and brick arches, Flemish headers, decorative air bricks and vents, as well as lime mortars and coloured mortars.
Dressed stone features can also be incorporated, from quoins and arches to corbels and keystones.
We recognise that any extension project can prove to be disruptive, and potentially for an extended period of time. So our team is committed to providing you with clear communication and regular progress updates throughout your project, including decisions on materials, any supply constraints and other unforeseen problems to be solved.
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